Sunday Worship (11am)

Every week we gather to worship. We sing, we read the bible and someone speaks for 20 mins or so to encourage us in our faith. We believe God meets with us together in a significant way.

We love how many kids are part of our church. On Sundays there are 4 (!) age-groups that gather. From very small up to s2.

Tea ‘n’ Tots


Tea n Tots is a great space for little ones and their big people to play and build relationships.

It currently meets every fortnight on Monday mornings. Demand is always high but you can book your spot through the facebook group!

Good Roots

Thursdays at 10am

Lunchtime Plug-in


Every Thursday from 11-1pm we run a drop-in in partnership with Bethany Christian Trust. It’s a great space to chat and more importantly, eat! Marina from Bethany is always around to offer support to those in need too.

Grounded Coffee


We also host a barista training course particularly tailored for people who have previous convictions and are looking to develop their skillset.

This is in partnership with Junction42 and Edinburgh City Mission.